Click: apple icon -> System Preferences… -> keyboard and mouse -> Modifier Keys….So how do we fix this mac brokeassness? My approach was to essentially swap the command andĬontrol keys, then fix bindings here and there until I no longer got frustrated. Moves you to the end of the file, WTF?! Option+right moves you to the next word, WTF?!Ĭtrl+arrows just make a bonk noise, WTF?! And on top of that, I couldn’t use my pinky to handle Command+right moves you to the end of the line, WTF?! The end key (when you find it) I tried this configuration for a couple weeks and almost wentĬrazy. Here is my gripe: the control, option, and command keys do the same work as theĬontrol key on other systems. When I use the computer, the majority of my time is spent moving around in some text editor with I’ve ever owned, it is not without flaws: the command and option keys. The folks at the newish job got me a shiny new macbook. Up until recently, I have been writing code on windows and linux machines.